Your Professional Tool for Online Surveys


For free. Without functionality restrictions.


Questionstar Online Survey Maker is built to make your job easier. In it you will find the most subtle settings, analytics, the ability to work from any device.

Accurate and fast setting of questions

Configuring the display of a question based on the results of previous answers, scale templates, inserting graphics and videos into answer options.

Best built-in analytic

Significance of differences, crosstabs, correlations, and regressions are available without third-party packages.

Ability to work from any device

Editing a survey on a smartphone is just as convenient as on a desktop; complex scales and matrices are adapted for small screens.

We've created something special for you

Questionstar online survey maker was created in Germany in an academic environment. Those who needed to manage every aspect from design to distribution.

A  platform  for  the  toughest  questions  you might need

Full customization of the survey appearance + White Label

Dynamic online reports that are easy to share with colleagues

83% of our users chose us for three reasons:

1) Poll creation speed

2) The ability to create complex surveys

3) Ease of working with the constructor

Voice Our Partners

Robér Rollin, M.A.

Ich habe die besten Erfahrungen mit „Questionstar“ gemacht. Das Erstellen von Umfragen ist kinderleicht, man kann sie innerhalb kürzester Zeit auch ohne Vorkenntnisse erstellen und ist für meine Bedürfnisse absolut perfekt.

I have had the best experiences with “Questionstar”. Creating surveys is very easy, you can create them within a very short time even without prior knowledge and it is absolutely perfect for my needs.

Dr. Frederic Nimmermann

Professionelle Umfragen mit minimalen Zeitaufwand, Erstellung und Auswertung effizienter datenschutzkonformer Umfragen und Fragebögen zu Kundenzufriedenheit, Mitarbeiterbeurteilung und vielem mehr. “Questionstar” ein unentbehrliches Tool.

Professional surveys with minimal expenditure of time, creation and evaluation of efficient data protection compliant surveys and questionnaires on customer satisfaction, employee evaluation and much more. “Questionstar” is an indispensable tool.

Dr. Stefan Marc Hossinger

Questionstar ist wirklich einfach und sehr intuitiv in der Anwendung. Umfragen und Auswertungen der Fragebögen können schnell und zielgerichtet erstellt werden.
Dieses Umfragetool ist perfekt für Einsteiger aber auch fortgeschrittene Anwender geeignet und bietet zahlreiche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.
Ein geniales Umfragetool für Forschung, Lehre und Praxis.


Questionstar is really simple and very intuitive to use. Surveys and evaluations of the questionnaires can be created quickly and in a targeted manner. This survey tool is perfect for beginners as well as advanced users and offers numerous application possibilities. An ingenious survey tool for research, teaching and practice.

„QUESTIONSTAR hat sich vielfach ausgezahlt durch die signifikante Senkung von Kosten und die Möglichkeit, sehr viel mehr zu verrichten, als wir zuvor in der Lage zu tun gewesen sind.“

“QUESTIONSTAR has paid off many times over by significantly reducing costs and being able to do a lot more than we were previously able to do.”

Emil Rancz
IT & Research Support
Smart Mobile Solutions GmbH

Plans and Pricing


Number of surveys and questions: ∞

Number of active surveys: 1

Number of Respondents: 50 /survey

All functions

€ 0


Number of surveys and questions: ∞

Number of active surveys: 1

Number of Respondents: ∞

All functions

€ 59,- /month

monthly cancellable


Number of surveys and questions: ∞

Number of active surveys: 3

Number of Respondents: ∞

All functions + White label

€ 395,- /year


Number of surveys and questions: ∞

Number of active surveys: 10

Number of Respondents: ∞

All functions + White label + User management

€ 995,- /year

Plans and Pricing


50 ответов для анализа 1 профиль пользователя 50 опросов в месяц

0 ₽

Автоматическое ежемесячное продление


Количество ответов неограниченно 1 профиль пользователя 1 000 опросов в месяц

695 ₽

Автоматическое ежемесячное продление


Количество ответов неограниченно 25 активных опросов Количество опросов неограниченно

15 500 ₽

Автоматическое ежемесячное продление


Количество ответов неограниченно 100 активных опросов Количество опросов неограниченно Управление пользователями

49 500 ₽

Автоматическое ежемесячное продление

Secure and GDPR compliant

Servers in Europe, encrypted connection, separation of personal data, firewalls, backups… QUESTIONSTAR meets all legal requirements and goes beyond them.

Advanced Analytics, Ready to Use

Tables, graphs, regressions, correlations, crosstabs, descriptive and inferential stats. Native export to Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF – ready for presentation and publication.


We have all the bells and whistles you need. Didn’t find somesthing? Just let us know – we will find a solution tailored for you!

The security of comfort

You are our user, and we are your friends. This is how the word “user-friendly” comes about. Feel free to make changes, undo, and redo them. But be careful: the survey is not about making changes – it’s about the facts you want to know.

The freedom of sophistication

With 30+ question types and multitude of settings and options, you are free to carry out any survey project you may think of. We warn you, however, not to overuse this freedom. Remember to stick to your real information needs.

Multilingual Questionnaires

With QUESTIONSTAR just add a language and translate. If you don’t know the target language, you can use our AI-translations into 106 languages – they’ve become very good in the meanwhile.

Our indicators


Используйте более продвинутый инструмент в своей работе


Основные виды вопросов и шкал — откроется в новом окне.


Графики, диаграммы и таблицы — откроется в новом окне.

We have all the Features you need.

If we don’t have something, we will implement it for you. Just let us know about your needs.