5.Data Analysis: A Concise Overview of Statistical Techniques
5.1 Descriptive Statistics: Some popular Displays of Data
5.1.1 Organizing Qualitative Data
5.1.2 Organizing Quantitative Data
5.1.3 Summarizing Data Numerically
5.1.4 Cross-Tabulations
5.2 Inferential Statistics: Can the Results Be Generalized to Population?
5.2.1 Hypotheses Testing
5.2.2 Strength of a Relationship in Cross-Tabulation
5.2.3 Describing the Relationship between Two (Ratio Scaled) Variables
Types of Statistical Data Analysis
- Descriptive statistics provide simple summaries about the sample and about the observations that have been made.
- Include the numbers, tables, charts, and graphs used to describe, organize, summarize, and present raw data.
- Inferential statistics are techniques that allow making generalizations about a population based on random samples drawn from the population.
- Allow assessing causality and quantifying relationships between variables.
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